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“Water is the driving force of all nature”

— Leonardo da Vinci

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What is IONIZED Water?

Let me start by saying, without any exaggeration, that hydrogen rich, ionized water is, hands down, the world's best drinking water. Our bodies are 75% water. Water is life. But not all water is created equal. We know this.

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On our planet now, we have a crisis where clean drinking water is concerned, and along with that, the environmental disaster of single use plastics. Our water ionizers first filter your tap water to remove impurities, and then send the water through an electrolysis process to molecularly change the properties of the water. In this process, ordinary tap water becomes super charged with tiny little hydrogen gas molecules called Molecular Hydrogen, and, as a secondary biproduct, the pH of the water is increased from a neutral or acidic level to an alkaline state.

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Additionally, the changed molecules allow ionized water to have a rapid absorption rate, allowing it to be easily absorbed by the cells in your body and provide hydration and detoxification at a cellular level.

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Molecular hydrogen is one of the most incredible antioxidants on the planet. It has the ability to cross the blood-brain barrier, which means it can play a vital role in brain function, cellular hydration and numerous other incredible health benefits.


We also have an incredible private group over on FB with weekly/ monthly interviews, webinars, and tons of education. Click the button below to join and PLEASE be sure to mention my name for access!


Learn more about this amazing water!

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Alkalized vs. Alkaline Water

Kangen (pronounced ‘Kahn-gen’), means “return to origin” in Japanese. For close to 50 years, Kangen Water has been used in Japan to help restore the body to its original, alkaline state. Kangen Water is superior to tap and purified water.

Alkalized water is created from our innovative water ionization technology. The devices filter your tap water, but they also produce ionized alkaline and acidic waters through electrolysis. These waters can be used for various purposes, including drinking, cooking, beauty, and cleaning.

Alkalized water is produced by restructuring the water molecules in regular water, and is very different than water that has been chemically altered to become alkaline.

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Alkaline Water

Often when people are referring to “alkaline water”, they are referring to chemically altered water. This type of alkaline water is water that has gone through a CHEMICAL change to increase its pH balance.

The water’s pH level has been inorganically raised above 7.0 by the addition of synthetic minerals such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, and baking soda.

If you are buying bottled water that is labeled “Alkaline”, or adding a tablet to your water, you are drinking this type of inorganic chemically created alkaline water, and you could very easily just be drinking expensive baking soda water.

This Alkaline Water has little to no proven health benefits, and is purely a waste of money!




if there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water

— Loren Eiseley


Alkaline Water

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Ionized Alkaline water (also called Alkalized Water) is water that has gone thru an ELECTRICAL change to increase its pH balance, and to change the molecular structure of the water molecules.

This water’s pH level has been raised above 7.0 by the process of electrolysis.

This process produces ionized, alkaline, hydrogen rich water by using electric currents to change the natural molecular structure of the water, without the addition of chemicals or synthetic compounds.

Water produced thru this process is also known as electrolyzed-reduced water (ERW).

What makes this process so special is the incredible antioxidant known as Molecular Hydrogen, which is created when the electricity contacts water molecules during the electrolysis process.

Hydrogen-Rich Water

  • During the electrolysis process, the water molecules are broken down, creating unpaired hydrogen atoms.

  • These unpaired hydrogen atoms link up in bonded pairs, referred to as Molecular Hydrogen. Molecular Hydrogen (H2 gas) is one of the most powerful antioxidants available.

  • It is produced during the Electrolysis Process, and as a result ERW is full of Molecular Hydrogen – and so it is also referred to as hydrogen-rich water.


Hey woman!
I just wanted to reach out and say THANK YOU.
I’m a little over 2 weeks into my Kangen water journey. A few days ago, for the first time in IDK how many years- I woke up with zero body pain.
Literally zero. I’ve been extremely challenged in the last few years with nerve pain and just chronic general body aches. I always thought this was because I’ve lived a physically strenuous life- standing on my feet in kitchens since I was a teenager, offshore sailing, competing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu , etc. I’ve spent thousands on treatments- from traditional Western doctors to massage, acupuncture and expensive supplements from my naturopathic doctor.
I really just came to accept that pain was the price I had to pay for living such a fun, somewhat dangerous and adventurous life- and I was totally willing to accept it!
Now to realize that I can literally drink good water and live without pain is blowing my mind- and before Kangen, I was no sloucher in my daily water consumption.
It’s this realization that I was clearly suffering from chronic dehydration which was contributing to my chronic pain!!! I actually feel GOOD. My body feels GOOD. Not gonna jinx it and say great yet.
But for real, Jess. THANK YOU for introducing me to this product. It’s given me my quality of life back and I just want to share it with everyone!!!!
— Dana Minuta Chism, Professional Chef
And from personal experience, this machine is awesome. I’ve used it for the last 2 years, last 2 seasons and I can’t lie. I woke up and it’s like...did I even work yesterday?
You’re used to feeling sore, you’re used to being down a little bit the day after games and things like that but the alkaline water has just... you know... you’re not sore anymore.
— Michael Robinson, NFL Player