5 Yoga Poses While You Work-From-Home
It’s June and officially summer. The past months have been intense and we are far from out of the woods. So many people I know are choosing to continue to minimize contact with others and that may mean (if you are lucky enough to do so), working from home. As lovely as working from home may seem, it definitely comes with its own set of unique challenges such as not enough space, too many other distractions, and perhaps simply not the best set up in terms of ergonomics, thus making working from home a little harder on our bodies. Also did you know that the amount of time that we are truly productive before we should take a break is about 45-50 minutes? So, take a break, get up, maybe throw a load of laundry in, make yourself a smoothie or tea or drink 12-16 oz of water, do some jumping jacks, and try the poses below to boost your concentration and relaxation while juggling all the things. (PS, in addition to the diffuser blends below to enhance your work from home environment I am also OBSESSED with one drop of peppermint oil pressed to the roof of the mouth as a midday pick me up and to aid in focus and concentration).
FORWARD FOLD WITH CHAIR (aka modified downward facing dog)
this is one of my absolute favorite anytime anywhere yoga poses and closely resembles downward facing dog in so many ways but is more forgiving on the arms/ shoulders/ wrists and also the hamstrings and calves. To do- place your hands on your desk, dresser, kitchen counter, or back of a (stable) chair and come to a flat back. Your feet should be directly under your hips, hips width apart and parallel. Move your sitting bones back and apart to draw your spine into length. Be mindful not to let your arm bones collapse- you can actually try lifting your arm bones slightly in space as you melt your upper back THROUGH your arms. Take at least 5-10 long slow smooth inhales and exhales and then slowly come up.
this powerful hamstring stretch will keep your lower back happy and free. When our hamstrings are tight, we are more prone to lower back pain, which is also exacerbated by sitting for long periods of time. To do- place the foot on the back of a chair (if hamstrings are very tight, place the foot on the SEAT of the chair or something lower instead). If you have a yoga strap or belt or tie, you can lasso your foot with that strap to modify as well. This is step 1 of this pose!
Now, LENGTHEN your spine and think about sliding your heart and chest forward, moving your sitting bones back and apart (similar to the sensation you had in the modified dog pose above). Move your sternum (breastbone) away from your navel and your navel away from your pubis.
Once you have created that length, on your next exhalation, fold any amount over that leg. Breathe slowly and deeply, consciously sending breath into whatever resistance you are feeling. ACTIVATE your legs by spreading your toes and drawing energy from your feet to your ankles, your ankles to your knees and your knees to your hips, as if your legs are straws and you are sucking a thick liquid UP the straws of your legs.
On your next inhalation come up, and then as you exhale begin to twist, placing your left hand (if the right leg is up) anywhere on the outside of the right leg and extending your right arm behind you. Create an IMAGINARY resistance, by pushing your right hand into a wall and feeling that you can now spin your belly, ribs, and chest MORE to the right. On every inhalation, slide your breath all the way down the funnel of your torso (I love this image of the torso as a funnel wide across the shoulders and collarbones and then narrowing all the way down to the base of the pelvic floor). On exhalation, spin around the central channel, an upward spiral of energy.
Now you are ready to get back to work. I hope this sequence was helpful. Namaste xoxo
Enhance your practice with diffuser blends
Work Mode
3 drops dōTERRA Balance®
3 drops dōTERRA Passion®
3 drops dōTERRA Citrus Bliss®
Add in your diffuser.