Quarantine Thoughts and Full Moon Paddles
to say the least. But as we begin to see the light at the end of the tunnel, so to speak, I wonder how many of us can say we are coming out of this difficult time transformed in some way for the better?
I, for one, have definitely had days (weeks?) of which I am not proud. Quick to anger with my very challenging 6 yr old, binge watching The Handmaids Tale on Hulu with red wine until the wee hours (if you haven’t started, DON’T!!!), allowing some of my healthier food and movement habits to fall by the wayside at times…
It’s ok though. We are all human and we are all a work in progress. We are all (I like to think) doing the absolute best we can with what we have at any given moment in time. When we know better we do better as well (although sometimes this is NOT the case because I know oh so well but don’t always do what I know!!)
Anyway, my point of this post I guess is this- it’s never too late to transform. It’s never too late to take your not so proud moments of the last three months (and of your lifetime) and offer them to the proverbial fire to be transmuted. To come out on the other side more authentically reflected as the absolute highest version of yourself. Again and again.
We have our first full moon paddle this Saturday, June 6 in Sag Harbor, and I invite you to join me. We are up and running, doing one of the things that brings me a sense of magic, awe, and gratitude. These moments on the water are most definitely one of the times I feel most transformed.