Why does bottled water have an ingredients list?
But, that's because what many companies do is heavily filter the water (mostly by a reverse osmosis process that strips and removes not only the bad chemicals but also the good minerals), and then they have to add a bunch of (mostly synthetic) stuff back in.
Depending on the company will depend on the reason behind the additives. Sometimes additives are to raise the pH of the water... others might do it for taste.
Despite the reasoning behind it, water shouldn't have an ingredients list!
Let the naturally occurring minerals stay in the water to begin with and then you wouldn't need to add the synthetic ones.
Yes, clean water is important.. which is why when you get started with Kangen water we GIFT you a pre-filter to filter the bad stuff like fluoride and pharmaceuticals out (but we leave the minerals IN) so that you are starting with the best 'source' water which then runs through the Kangen machine, undergoing an electrolysis process to create micro-clustered, antioxidant, hydrogen rich, LIVING water...
yup, it's as good as it sounds... no ingredients necessary!