Location: Good Ground Yoga
Hampton Bays, NY
register HERE - http://goodgroundyoga.com/
Surya Namaskar (sun salutations) are the foundation of any vinyasa (flow) based Yoga practice. But they go way beyond the concept of continuous movement.
Join Jessica Bellofatto, 25 year veteran Yoga teacher and practitioner, in this special master class where we will unpack the in's and out's of Surya Namaskar, as we also welcome in the upcoming summer solstice, and honor the light (and the longest day of the year on June 21) both in the outer world as well as the LIGHT within.
Through pranayama (breathing practices), the application and exploration of bandhas (energetic locks), and the synchronization and harmony of breath with movement, we will dive deep into surya namaskar, as a way to start a yoga practice, or as a stand alone practice to create internal heat, clear and quiet the mind, purify and detoxify the physical body, and so much more.
Both during and after class, Jessica will incorporate doTERRA essential oils specific to the summer season- to support an increase in physical activity, cool the body on hot days, and assist in maintaining a healthy ritual and routine during this more outward going social season.